Saturday, November 6, 2010

Daily Bloom

The flower
unfolds its petals
as the day opens
its colors to your eyes.

Its rise and set,
like the yeast
in the bakers
daily bread,

comes alive,
like the bustle
of a morning city
where work begins at nine,

and the roast
of an Ethiopian brew
is America's
energizing pride.

The day
blooms like a flower,
and opens itself
to be sapped
of its nectar,
drawn freely
from the indefinite
wells of its
palpable beauty.

Good morning
Daily Bloom
You've sent the birds to sing
You've inched the sun
over the horizon
and see to it
that it goes soundly
back to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Very nicely done. Perhaps a slight reference to neo-colonialism through "Ethopian brew is America's most energized pride"?

    I really dig this stanza:
    "The day
    blooms like a flower,
    and opens itself
    to be sapped
    of its nectar,
    drawn freely
    from the indefinite
    wells of its
    palpable beauty"
